Nottingham Attack Victim Barnaby Webber – Who are his Parents, Family

Nottingham witnessed a horrific attack on June 13, 2023. A man stabbed two students, including Barnaby Webber, stole a van, and injured others before his arrest. Three lives were lost, leaving the city deeply affected.

The Nottingham Attacks: Remembering Barnaby Webber

On a quiet June morning in 2023, the city of Nottingham awoke to a horrific tragedy. A series of connected attacks claimed the lives of three innocent individuals, leaving a community in shock and mourning. Among the victims was Barnaby Webber, a young university student whose life was cut short far too soon.

A Dark Morning in Nottingham:

On June 13th, 2023, at around 4:00 AM, tragedy struck. Valdo Calocane launched a series of attacks that would send shockwaves through the city.

In the Radford area, Barnaby and his fellow student, Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19, became the first victims, losing their lives to senseless stabbings. Calocane then stole a van, fatally stabbing the owner, 65-year-old Ian Coates, before using it as a weapon. At a bus stop on Maid Marian Way, he drove into pedestrians, injuring several others.

Nottingham attack victims
Nottingham attack victims

Barnaby Webber, 19, was a shining light in the University of Nottingham community. Described by friends and family as kind, intelligent, and full of life, Barbaby was pursuing a double major in philosophy and French, his passions hinting at a promising future.

Barnaby’s infectious enthusiasm and positive attitude touched everyone he met, leaving a lasting impression on those who knew him.

Who was Barnaby Webber? Parents and Family

Barnaby Webber was a 19-year-old history student from Taunton, Somerset, England. He was a talented cricketer and was nearing the conclusion of his first academic year at Nottingham University.

Barnaby’s parents, Emma and David Webber, were in Cornwall when they saw the news about the incident and called their son. When Barnaby didn’t pick up, they decided to drive down to Nottingham.

David, Barnaby, Emma and Charlie Webber
David, Barnaby, Emma and Charlie Webber

Only 3 miles into the journey, they received a call from the police station and received the news of their son’s demise. Emma recalled that moment and said,

My world just fell apart… I don’t remember too much after that.

We were a normal family, just like many up and down the country. Our world changed just like that.”

“He was probably the most genuine human being I have ever met. He was so funny, and he was loving his life, he was living it,” Mr. Webber’s mother, Emma added.

The couple drove to Torquay, where Charlie, Barnaby’s 16-year-old brother, was on a field trip. Charlie could not believe what he had heard from his parents.

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The Vigils and Support of People

The university informed the family about a vigil scheduled on campus and extended an invitation for them to come to Nottingham.

Held only a few days after the deaths, they had assumed the vigil would be a low-key affair. However, thousands of students were gathering in silence as they entered.

Families of Barnaby and Grace at a vigil at the university
Families of Barnaby and Grace at a vigil at the university

The three families went to Old Market Square the following day to participate in a second vigil organized to honor the deceased.

Mrs. Webber said, “It was utterly overwhelming. We were shown the best of humanity against the worst of humanity. You could feel the energy. It is hard to explain. You could almost touch it – the outpouring of respect, horror, and sadness.”

The Anger of the Families

The three victims’ family members have expressed their disapproval of the police, the National Health Service (NHS), and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for the way the case was handled.

Calocane was found to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the crimes, and as a result, he was convicted to manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility.

Justice Served, But Lives Forever Lost

Apprehended by authorities, Calocane faced charges of murder and attempted murder. However, a legal twist saw him ultimately convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to life imprisonment in November 2023.

While justice was served, the families of Barnaby, Grace, and the other victim were left to grapple with the unimaginable loss.

A Community in Mourning:

The Nottingham attacks deeply impacted the city. A wave of grief washed over the community, particularly within the university, where Barnaby’s absence was keenly felt. Public vigils and memorials honored the victims, with many calling for action to address issues like knife crime and mental health support.

Vigil in the city centre
Vigil in the city centre
Remembering Barnaby:

Barnaby Webber’s life, though tragically cut short, represents the potential and promise that reside within each young individual. His memory serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing life, fostering connection, and advocating for a safer and more compassionate world. He will be forever missed, not only by his loved ones but also by the city he called home.

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